+ What is the mailing address?
Mailing address for all HOA payments and general correspondence:
*Executive Real Estate Management Company
c.o. Woodmill Trace HOA
3313 Memorial Parkway, Ste 108 Huntsville, AL 35801
- Phone: (256) 880-1000
- Website: www.ereminc.com
+ What is a Homeowners Association?
A homeowners association is, generally, a neighborhood that has incorporated into a non-profit organization. This corporation holds and maintains all community property and also determines and oversees improvements to the community; monitors community funds; pays bills on behalf of the neighborhood for community property (public taxes, utility services, etc.); oversees and enforces the community’s Covenants and Restrictions; and determines future policy with regard to the community.
+ Why do we need one, and how does it benefit me?
A homeowners association helps to keep your property value higher by ensuring that the community meets a certain standard and is maintained according to those standards.
+ What are my yearly dues used for?
Monthly bills such as pool maintenance, utility bills for the clubhouse, parking lot lights, clubhouse maintenance, lawn maintenance, pest control, irrigation for community property lawns, repair services, insurance on community property, yearly property taxes and tax preparation services. Additionally, as property begins to show wear, the Association uses funds that have accumulated over time (our reserves) to have these items repaired or replaced. All of these expenses are important to maintaining the quality of the community and the value of community homes.
+ How are payments for HOA dues submitted?
Please Review the Dues Information on the H.O.A. Information page for the latest options. Linked Here
+ What are the various schedules for services such as lawn care, garbage, pest control, etc.?
- Recycling service: RANA picks up the 2nd Friday of each month
- Garbage service: picked up on Wednesday mornings
- Pest control: performed quarterly around the common areas.
- Back yard lawn service: (mowing, edging, weed-eating, and blowing): serviced once a week on Tuesday during the peak season (typically April through September). It changes to bi-weekly during the off-season, and is typically reduced to monthly during the winter. The best way to verify dates of service is to look at the calendar on this site; we enter all scheduled activity for the contract year, which traditionally has run from March through February. To receive service, your garage door (or gate) needs to be up/open no later than 8AM. If you open it after that time, you may only get portions of the service performed, due to the way contractor activities are organized. The contractor typically closes the doors at the end of the day after an inspection has taken place, but there may be times where it is closed earlier.
Please note that if there is inclement weather on a service date, the make-up day will be Thursday based on climate conditions.
Contact information for lawn care contractors is located under the "Community Info" link on this site.
+ How do I get a replacement access card for the pool and exercise area (clubhouse)?
If you need a replacement card, they are $25, payable via check made out to Woodmill Trace HOA. The payment should be provided to the management company; you may pick up the card at their office. The card operates both pool gates, the restroom on the west side of the clubhouse, and the exercise room. It also can be modified remotely to provide temporary access to the interior portion of the clubhouse if rented.
+ How do I get access to store a vehicle in the storage lot?
An application for a RV Parking Lot Decal must be filled out and submitted to the management company. Click here to download a copy. Once approved, a decal will be mailed to you (or picked up at the office) and the lock combination will be provided.
+ Can I and how do I reserve the clubhouse?
Yes, you will need to fill out the linked form: Download
+ I have a third or fourth vehicle to park, or my vehicle won't fit into my garage. Where else is parking allowed?
Please Review the rules in the Community Rules Document
+ Can I install a storm door on the front entrance?
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) has reviewed its policy regarding the use of full length glass doors at homes in the Woodmill Trace Community. In a Community Bulletin issued in October 2007, the Committee ruled that a door must be full glass with a trim color that matches the original door, trim or siding color. No other trim color will be allowed.
+ I want to use a satellite dish in lieu of cable service. Where is dish mounting permitted?
Satellite dishes can be mounted anywhere inside your fenced back yard, or on the side wall of your garage inside your fence. If mounted on the garage wall, they must be mounted below the garage roof line. If you encounter any reception issues with those locations due to signal source direction, contact the ACC prior to mounting. The ACC form is available on the "ACC" page. They will work with you to ensure that you have access to a suitable location where a useable signal is available.
If the policy isn't followed, a warning letter will be sent - after which a homeowner will be subject to fines until it is resolved.
+ I want to make changes to the exterior of my property. Since this is a homeowner association managed property, do I need permission?
If a homeowner wants to change anything regarding the outside appearance (including the back yard), they should contact the ACC (mentioned above regarding the storm door) and fill out the form, to obtain permission to do so. The form can be emailed to the ACC email address or sent via USPS (see Contact page). They will review your request and provide an answer within 30 days. The ACC meets once a month and would need time to review the request at a meeting.
+ Who is responsible for the plants around the perimeter of my property?
- While the HOA maintains the plantings as part of the lawn care contract, the homeowner is ultimately responsible for the shrubs and other plants in their respective softscaped areas. Plants that expire should be replaced with comparable plants both in size and type. Note that any deviations from the original plants and shrubs must receive approval from the ACC prior to installation.
In the event these policies aren't followed, a warning letter will be sent - after which a homeowner will be subject to fines, and ultimately the cost of replacement through a contractor at the direction of the ACC.
+ Who is responsible for the fence that separates adjacent properties?
The homeowners would hold equal responsibility in maintaining or repairing storm damage to the fence, unless damaged by one of the homeowners, in which case that owner would be responsible for repairs. All fencing was originally installed by Jones Fence in Trinity and can provide repairs if needed.
+ My mailbox needs to be replaced. Where can I find one that matches existing boxes?
Lowe’s has replacement boxes that are very economical; their part number is 92642 and the manufacturer model number is PL11B020.
+ What is required of the homeowner if they choose to rent their property?
Per the Covenants and Restrictions governing the Woodmill Trace community: If an owner leases a unit, they must provide several pieces of information to the management company. This includes a current copy of the lease and a signed acknowledgment from the lessee that they have read and understand the Covenants and Restrictions in place at Woodmill Trace. Additionally, if they want the lessee to be allowed access to the amenities (i.e. using an access card), a statement (either through email or fax) indicating they are transferring their own interest to the lessee must be submitted. (An owner may choose to instead maintain their own access to the property.) In either case, amenity access will only be allowed after the required documentation is submitted.
+ Where can I get paint colors/recipes for the exterior ?
Paint can be purchased at the local Sherwinn Williams store; identification of color by building for doors, shutters, and exterior trim can be found here: Exterior color
+ The stones on the front of my home are missing or are falling off. What can I do to reattach them?
The substance you would use to reattach the stone to the wall is called Ultraflex LFT. It covers approximately 80 sq. ft. per bag and the cost is about $30.00 a bag. All you do is mix it with water; directions are on the bag. Here is a Youtube video about the product: http://tinyurl.com/9yegl66
Also, previously quoted from a resident: "That happened to my home about 18 months ago. At that time I was given the installer and phone number from Woodland Homes' office. Rene's Masonry, tel:256-420-4044, came out and put them back in place."
If you are missing stones that need to replaced, Jenkins Brick can assist with that. (They sold the material to Woodland Homes originally.) Don Webb is the salesman there and he is familiar with the property. Their number is 256-244-2675.
+ Builder Suggested Emergency Contacts:
Plumbing - Dean & Sons 256-518-9780
Electrical - JAK Electric 256-651-3289